Solutions for Child Abuse

Solutions for Child Abuse

There are many solutions that could prevent child abuse. One of these solutions is for parents to relax. If you are a parent under stress find ways to regain control. Try counting to ten, take deep breaths, call a friend, put your child in a safe place and take a couple of minutes to calm down and relax. Also, do not be afraid to apologize to your child if you lost your temper and said something in anger that was not meant to be said. Reach out to community centers, church, schools, and physicians for guidance on positive parenting skills. It is often helpful to learn good communication skills, appropriate discipline, and how to respond to children’s physical, developmental and emotional needs.

Understanding appropriate developmental milestones may help you set reasonable expectations for a child. Creating social connections with family, friends and the community gives encouragement and can help improve parent-child relationships. There is also concrete community support that assists with food, clothing, housing and access to health care. You can contact your physician for information about these services. Also, something that could be useful for both the parents and the child is family therapy. Therapy can help the child who has been abused to better manage distressing feelings and to deal with their problems that needed verbalize.